Sunday, September 29, 2013

September 19, 2013           (Letter dated September 17, 2013)

Dear Mom and Dad~

I just made it to the Arcadia Mission Home safely.  I apologize for not calling; all of us almost missed the plane because Customs was so slow.  We all made it after having to sprint for almost 20 minutes and call to hold the plane.  However, it was a wonderful trip over, and I sat by three very nice people.  I got to eat lunch with President and Sister Becerra.  They are so nice and friendly!  I am currently waiting inside the mission home and listening to a lot of field-orientation things.  Hopefully I will find out who my trainer is shortly.  I am allotted $160 per month for food and expenses.  I will NOT ever have a car to use, so I am very grateful for getting a good bike.  The last few days in the MTC were very spiritual, and I am so excited to being work here in Arcadia!

Elder Gabriel Valley

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