Sunday, September 29, 2013

September 19, 2013

Dear Parents,

Today we had the privilege of welcoming your missionary to the California Arcadia Mission.  Thank you for all you have done to prepare him to serve as a worthy representative of the Lord Jesus Christ.

I am grateful for the opportunity we will have to serve together here in this part of the Lord's vineyard.  We will do all we can to support and to encourage him in this challenging new calling as a full time missionary.

Your continued support through weekly letters and e-mail, also occasional packages is important for his success as a missionary.  Mail should be sent directly to the Arcadia Mission Office:  170 West Duarte Road, Arcadia CA 91007

We know that Southern California is a favorite vacation area for family and friends.  We request that you, your family or friends do not plan to visit with your missionary.  It is a distraction and takes them away from their service as a missionary.

This is a great work and an exciting time to be serving a mission in California.  The mix of cultures and languages here is most unique, and we discover daily that special people have been led here to embrace the Gospel of Jesus Christ.  I know you and your family will be richly blessed for the service he renders here and the sacrifice you are making to support and strengthen your missionary.

Jorge T. Becerra, President
California Arcadia Mission

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