Monday, February 24, 2014

Another Transfer in Chino? - February 24, 2014

Hey Everyone!

I hope everyone has had a wonderful week! This week has, once again,
been full of inputting records into the Area Book app on the iPads. We
are about two-thirds of the way done, so we will hopefully meet the
deadline of finishing by the end of the transfer on Sunday night. We
have also been blessed with some great success in teaching, too!

Tuesday, February 18th, 2014:

For the second time, Elder Knapp and I went to go visit Hermano
Ferrufino, who is a less-active member. He is the only member in his
family. We taught him about gaining a testimony of the Book of Mormon;
he says that he has read it and has never actually received an
"answer" of whether or not it is true. The thing that he really lacks
is actually applying its precepts. We cannot know of a surety of
anything in the Gospel, unless we are willing to act and apply what
the Gospel actually teaches. As the day continued, I realized how
unlucky we were today: every single appointment (all five or six) that
we had set up ended up falling through. We have been trying to teach a
couple of single ladies with the aid of a few Hermanos in the ward,
but our member present lessons ended up not working out. As a result,
we weren't able to actually have the lessons. Elder Knapp and I have
been averaging about fifteen records per day that we put into the
iPads, which takes about two hours. Today, we put in about
twenty-seven in the span of just shy of three hours. It is long and
tedious, but it is totally necessary. At night, we ate dinner at the
Castanedas to eat dinner. They are moving to Fontana, CA this Saturday
and seem to be quite stressed out; we offered to help them move, and
they gladly took us up on it. I am really going to miss them, and they
commented on how long I have been in Chino. I guess I really have been
here a while...

Wednesday, February 19th, 2014:

English class today was particularly fun because we were able to talk
about talking on the phone. That is one of Elder Knight's "Milestones
of Spanish." Talking on the phone is one of the most difficult things
to do in a foreign language, and it was so great being able to help
others with the same thing that I struggled with for about the first
three months here in the mission field. I have been working with the
same group of people there at English class. I love seeing their
progress and helping them learn! I talk to them in Spanish a bunch
when we have breaks, so I am also able to help my Spanish improve from
them. After English class, Elder Knapp and I were cruising and managed
to put in about thirty records in about three hours. The rest of the
day failed to yield any teaching appointments. I'm not quite sure why
we aren't seeing the same success as the first couple of weeks during
the transfer, but hopefully things will start picking up again!

Thursday, February 20th, 2014:

Every three months, we have the privilege of attending Zone
Conference. I was so excited to go to Zone Conference today! We have
the opportunity to listen to our mission president and the AP's for
about seven hours. It sounds like a long time, but it absolutely flies
by. We focused on the importance of the "Rock of Revelation" that is
referenced in the seventh chapter of Matthew in the parable about the
Wise Man and the Foolish Man. As we lay our foundation on Christ, we
are able to have the "Rock of Revelation," which refers to the
personal revelation that we can receive in our lives as we do the
three most basic things: read the scriptures, pray, and attend church.
They seem to be the three that people neglect the easiest, but it is
impossible to have that personal revelation if any of the three aren't
present. Elder Mostert, one of the AP's, also had an AWESOME analogy.
In D&C 8:3, it makes a reference to the Spirit of Revelation being the
same Spirit that led the Israelites through the Red Sea on dry ground.
I never knew what it meant before Elder Mostert explained it. He said
that the Israelites left all of their trials and temptations behind
them in the Red Sea (these are the symbol represented by Pharaoh's
army) in the waters of baptism; they then arose from the depths of the
ocean (going into the grave) and were "reborn" as new people on the
other side with the Holy Spirit to guide their way (born of the
Spirit, as mentioned in John 3:5). It was so enlightening and made so
much sense! It also helped me understand a little bit more fully how
important the ordinance of baptism truly is. During the evening, Elder
Knapp and I taught Bertha, Jo-Jo and Arnaldo about the Gospel of Jesus
Christ. We were very bold with them in teaching. Bertha asked us if we
believe if her baptism "was valid," and we responded with asking her
if she believes that Joseph Smith was a prophet. If Joseph Smith was a
prophet, then the Book of Mormon is true; if Joseph Smith was a
prophet, then the Priesthood was restored; if Joseph Smith was a
prophet, then this is the true church of Jesus Christ. Are you sensing
a pattern? It is essential to have a testimony of the Restored Gospel
to be truly converted, and that is why we, as missionaries, place so
much emphasis on the Restoration of the Gospel of Jesus Christ.

Friday, February 21st, 2014:

Elder Knapp and I had the potential to have an awesome morning, but
all of our plans fell through. It is really hard to find Hermanos in
the ward who are available to help us with teaching in the mornings,
and we weren't able to teach any of the single ladies that we set up
lessons with. It may have ended up being a blessing in disguise. We
were able to get going on weekly planning early before beginning to
input records into the Area Book app. We spent over five hours today
putting in records, and we still have way too much to do! It's crazy
how long it takes... At night, we went to the Dominguez family to have
dinner with them. Well, they kind of forgot that we were coming for
dinner, even though we reminded them. We shared a quick spiritual
thought with them and then went to visit a less-active member. Emma
Rodriguez is a member but is less-active. She ended up feeding us
after I sort of tried to lie to her and say that we had already eaten
(oops!). I just hate making people feel obligated to feed us. I guess
I don't lie very well... She is so nice and was very friendly. I just
felt bad that she ended up going out of her way to look after us.
After visiting her, Hermano Castro came with Elder Knapp and I to
teach Martha Segura, who is a new investigator. The lesson went really
well, but Hermano Castro ended up saying a little too much at the end
of the lesson. We don't want to spend more than fifteen minutes
teaching the Restoration; we ended up being in her house for over
thirty. It's hard when the members aren't familiar with our new
teaching method; we need to prepare them better. Hermano Castro did do
an awesome job of helping her understand the importance of baptism,
though. She was a little shocked that we were so bold about inviting
her, but she understands the goal now!

Saturday, February 22nd, 2014:

Elder Knapp and I woke up early to help the Castanedas move. We spent
about four hours helping them move all of their stuff into two
different trailers. It's really sad to see them go because I have
developed such a good relationship with them; I have been visiting
them ever since I was with Elder Knight about four months ago. Upon
returning, we ended up spending the remainder of the day inputting
records into the iPads. I think I sat in a chair in the church for
about five hours straight. It is so exhausting, but it has to be done.
I hope we meet our deadline of finishing by next Sunday! At night, we
went to ward volleyball, which had a surprisingly high turnout! Ruben
brought his nephew, and the Hermanas were able to get one of their
investigator families to come. It was really fun, and I love spending
time with the members here!

Sunday, February 23rd, 2014:

Church was pretty routine today, with the only exception being that
Elder Knapp and I had the opportunity to teach the youth with Hermano
Kirk. That class is so awkward... no one talks! As a teacher, the only
way to have a successful lesson is to get the investigator to talk; if
you are trying to listen and don't think for yourself, listening won't
profit you at all. Feedback is what a teacher has to be able to teach.
The rest of the day consisted of Elder Knapp and I trying to run
around to different potential investigators and set up return
appointments for the coming week. We were fortunate enough to find
Bertha, Joseph and Jo-Jo home to have a lesson with them. We taught
about the three fundamentals for receiving revelation: reading the
scriptures, praying and going to church. We also read in 1 Nephi 4
with them. They agreed to do a church tour this coming week! They are
making significant progress, but they definitely need time to adjust.
Elder Knapp and I were also able to meet with David Sierra during the
afternoon. He was apparently baptized when he was eleven, but he
doesn't remember anything; he has been inactive for a number of years.
He loved learning about the Restoration, especially learning it
through our new teaching method. We have gotten nothing but positive
feedback about this new teaching style; it's awesome! At night, we
talked to the Hermanas about the status of their area (something that
Elder Knapp has to do every Sunday night as district leader). They
told us that they talked to President Becerra during the day for an
interview, and he told them that he doesn't have any plans to make any
changes in Chino this coming transfer. That means that I will likely
be staying in Chino for my fifth transfer! That is almost unheard of
to begin a mission in one area and stay in the first area for more
than seven months. We will see what happens with transfer calls on
Saturday, but I will likely be staying!

Hopefully everyone is enjoying the week and enjoying the last few days
of February! It's amazing how fast time flies; I can't believe that
it's almost March. Thanks again for all of your love and support! I
appreciate all that you do for me! Have a wonderful week, everyone!

Elder Gabriel Valley

Sent from my iPad

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